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ಪುಟ:1820 A Grammar Of The Carnataca Language.djvu/೧೬೨

ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

141 A GRAMMAR OF THE bas.............. do pontos...) en .......... c oreanos ......Ja road. 21@5.............atomarts ..............a churn. QUES........ Bu go to avor Obsgb gorom Indra 1 5............all hvor atraortos awa F.............. awaw or atvazilaw.....a young man. ROLE 9th. Sanscrit crude nouns terminating in the consonant w, are introduced into the Carnáțaca language either by cutting off their final consonant, or by the addition of the adix kు; as చంద్రమస్, చంద్రమను or చంద్రమస్సు the moon, DAS T, a sor a t ruid the mind. EXCEPTIONS. Sanscrit noups terminating in the affix Gran, are introduced into the Carnáțaca language by cutting off the final letters of the nominative plural; by cutting off the final consonant n; or by the addition of the aflis aw; as o Satno, Thodernu trawwur travnys a younger person. Sanscrit crude nouns terminating in the affix a N, are introduced into the Carnáțaca language by cutting off the final letter & of their dominative plural; as విద్ధస్,విద్దాం సెసు a learned man. RULE 10th. The Sanscrit verbal nouns termed d oo ; the indeclinable words, the personal pronouns termed e r band, and the numeral pronouns from two to. ten, are introduced into the Carnáțaca language when they are compounded with another Sanscrit word, but not when they are alune; as a yo coa a sounding trumpet, లుబె స్యూషపు a loud noise, యుష్మతి రి యు your renowa, 0 3 the deity Sheta. The verbal nouns termed of course nsol - Digitized by Google