ಪುಟ:1820 A Grammar Of The Carnataca Language.djvu/೧೫೨

ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

1344 A GRAMMAR OF THE FIQH... kill. . 67 3...................the act of killing. ooo......become lcan. 0:07...................the act of becoming lean. avo... sell. avoonorabo ozd3 the act of selling. OTJ00... bear a burden. TJ Porot 67..the act of bearing a burden. o to.....bring. 2003.................the act of bringing, wao..... come. wo; or wW.Of.....the act of coming. ngoo ... ...be. ఇరవుం ఇరు .....the act of being. erige on-eat. ersé3 orering og ... the act of eating. The roots ex Fódig, er jú accuse, co ot praise, ex cu move, 3x Pengage, మగు స return, మసుస become pale, సుసుసం సుగు సnter, బగుస bark, ముగుసcontract, సురుస roll up, wరు : tumble down, దార su roll down, and on cu follow, become nouns by cutting off the final vowel, and adding å or nat; as ex or esteet the act of digging, Totor og stof the act of praising. Roots terminating in wu, become nouns by the addition of the affix 7% ; as avoa the act of duing, w at the act of pinching. EXCEPTIONS 3......plant. 32 or 3a .....the act of planting. ewww....dress. er or ervar.....the act of dressing. is www.wear. Es or erar..the act of wearing. U TU....cook. e muor & ..... the act of cooking. 5 WW ....beg. 350 ..................the act of begging. awoww.shut. awoa?................the act of shutling. రూ....play. లూడి ? or లూటి--tic act of playing. NJOJzTw-look. నా డి or న్యా టీ..the act of looking. Surd......qun. 487 or E43 ..........the act of running. Digitized by Google