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ಪುಟ:1820 A Grammar Of The Carnataca Language.djvu/೧೩೬

ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ.

113 A GRAMMAR OF THE . GERUNDS. AFFIRMATIVE. Present. Fatos Laor Bote f tatojaw or fatory mo....being called. Past.... ratou eu..... Batore .....haring heen called. NEGATIVE. Aorist... foto 2...... majd 2...not having been called. NEGATI ... PARTICIPLES. AFFIRMATIVE. 11 LID Present..faraj wawa........................that is called. Past...... Batoje.......... Bata de .........that was called. Future.... Batejava... o tato wa.. ....that will be called. NEGATIVE. Aorist ...faterjastotojams that is not, was not, or will not be, called. Or ROOTS DERIVED FROM FOREIGN LANGUAGES. In the foregoing parts of this chapter, the treatment of roots of pure Carná. taca origin has been explained. Very many words, however, have in addition been introduced from the Sanscrit, and some from the Hindoostanee language, which, after undergoing certain changes, become also roots; and are then inflected according to the rules that have been laid down for verbs of the first conjugation. CLASS THE FIRST. All Sanscrit verbal nouns of the class termed ouaoo, with the exception, of want the act of picking up, o the act of cutting, I am the act of hearing, Bahro the act of sounding, Havn the act of conveying, Mañ thu act of praising, and daun the act of withering, may be converted into roots by cutting off the final syllable, and adding the affix rgów; as atau nu protect, Tonu imitale, &c. Digitized by Google