MIT 53 .........72ew men or women. carsátaca LANGUAGE. a. sooooo....) lagatwo hua....9 I. nonwoo.............coñw do ............... by new men or women. D. Jonwor............... new men or women. Ab. corawo Bravocoworo.......from new men or women. G. JONWO............... OOJNWO.............. of new men or women. L. WO...........Jiw or use new men or women. roooohwor............ JanWoo............7 cogwood............onwoo) .......... coonw ................. MWS............. new men or women! (coorw 83..........CANW B............] Nouns of quality of the neuter gender require, in the instrumental, ablative, genitive, and locative cases, the insertion of 5 before the affixes of cases ; and in the dative, they take the aflix est. When pouns of quality ending in w form their plural, the final syilable w is changed into aw, and the affixes a5 or at are placed after it, in order to denote the number; in those ending in as the final syllable du is changed into W, and the affixes for at are added. In the instrumental, ablative, genitive, and locative cases, the insertion of 895 is required before the affixes of the cases, when the affix af is chosen for the nominative, and the afix of the dative is ಅಕ್ಕಿ, EXAMPLES SINGULAE NUMBEE. Modern form. Ancient form. N. Fow .................. TO ...................a black thing. 70 ............*****}fo to ..................a black thing. I. TOTOO ................ TOTOO .............. a black thing. 1 DIHENTI. Digitized by Google
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